Coming together to end poverty.
At Foundation for Child Support and Development we believe that every child is a different kind of flower; and altogether make this world a beautiful garden.
We connect people around the world in the fight to end poverty. Together, we invest in the lives of children and youth by building a healthy environment, necessary for them to thrive, and we empower them to create lasting change in their own lives and communities.
Your support is what makes all this possible.
Support the children in our community through sponsorship
There are many ways you can support our work and the children in our community.
When you sponsor a child, your monthly gift of $50 provides access to life changing benefits like access to medical and dental health care, educational support, life changing skills and job placements after graduation.
You are helping break the cycle of generational poverty and creating opportunities for children and families to transform their lives.
You can find children suffering from poverty in every corner of the world. As wide spread as the problem is, so are the reasons that each population finds themselves struggling. In some cases, it’s the harsh conditions that lead to a lack of employment and malnutrition, while in others, its years of violence and addiction that drive entire communities to despair.